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Esports Management Software

Esports Management

Smartlaunch is a world-class software management system for esports venues.

Smart Games Management

Installation and updating of games are among the most time consuming tasks at gaming centers. SmartDisk cuts 99% of bandwidth consumption and 99% of staff’s work with game updates at an esports venue with 100 computers.

Tournaments and Events

Tournaments and events push an esports venue to new heights. That’s why Smartlaunch comes with a comprehensive suite of tools to organize events.

Loyalty Coins and Rewards

Rewarding customers for the time they spend at your venue and their achievements shows your appreciation for their efforts.

Esports Blog

Esports Games Releasing in 2025

Here are the biggest esports games releasing in 2025: Deadlock (Late 2025) Deadlock is still in early access with players having to join by invite. Still, there’s already been Beta

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