Applications Profiles

As mentioned in the User Group settings you can have different application profiles associated with a user group. If for instance you run a World of Warcraft campaign with reduced prices on that particular game you can create a user group with an application profile only including World of Warcraft.

How to Create an Application Profile

The Application Profiles Setup is located in the Applications tab in the Smartlaunch Server Settings.

  1. Click the Add button.
  2. Choose a name for the Application Profile. In this example we want to make a single game available – we call it World of Warcraft.
  3. Use the tree view to select the games and programs you want to be included in the Application Profile.
  4. Click OK.
  5. You should now see the profile in the list:

Before you can use the Application Profile you just created you need a to activate it in a User Group.

Editing/Deleting an Application Profile

You can always Edit or Delete an Application Profile by using the appropriate buttons on the right of the screen.


Please see the screencast below, it is also available in Youtube.

If you have any questions about this feature please contact [email protected]