Guide to Adding Games/Applications in Smartlaunch

This guide will help you set up new games/applications, add license management, and set up personal user files in Smartlaunch.

To set up Steam games, follow the instructions on the Steam website.

>> Video Below <<

1. Applications Window

Start by opening up the Applications section under the Smartlaunch Server under:

Settings -> Application Management -> Applications (Screenshot Below)

(Optionally create a new category 1st – you can do this later)
Click Add >> Application.

>> This will bring you to the Enter Application Details screen..

2. Adding a Game/Application Manually – General Tab (Screenshot Below)


>> Now let’s click the Layout tab..

3. Adding a Game/Application Manually – Layout Tab (Screenshot Below)


>> Don’t forget to click APPLY to save your changes before moving on.

4. License Management Setup

(Skip, if not required, for games like League of Legends, World of Warcraft, etc.)

>> Now that we are now done with filling in the general information about the game and have saved our settings by clicking APPLY..

In the Smartlaunch Server, go to Application Management >> License Management (Screenshot below)

General Settings

Important: Finding out how a game stores its cd-key, and knowing how to import/export it can be very difficult.
If you have a problem with the game you are trying to add, we recommend searching the Smartlaunch forums,
for keywords such as: <game name>, hkey, registry, license, key

>> One you’ve chosen your game setup, the only thing left is to add a license/CD key.

>> Repeat this for every cd-key you have until you have a complete list of all your cd-keys..

License Keys

>> Click the Apply and you will now see your new License profile listed in the license setup window.

5. Connect the game to the License Setup & Add Personal User Files

Go back to Application Management -> Applications.


  1. Click on a game from the Applications list (League of Legends, if following this guide) and click EDIT >> PUF and Licensing tab (where we left off earlier)
  2. from the License Setup list, and select the correct License Setup for the game you are adding.

Personal User Files 

Go to Application Management -> Applications.

On the left side of the PUF and Licensing tab, there is the Personal User Files section. From here you can select the user files that you want to be copied before the game is launched. Personal User Files are added and checked automatically if added your game using the wizard, but if not you will now have to set up and add those user files yourself.

To Setup and add new Personal User Files, we have to finish setting up the game licensing:

>> Click Apply and then the OK button to submit all the information you have entered.

Go to Application -> Personal User Files


You’ll see a list of all the available files is listed on the left side, click the Add button to create your own Personal User File.

>> Click Apply and then the OK button to submit all the information
>> All that’s left now is adding this Personal User File to your game..

Select Applications from the Application Management menu, choose your game from the tree menu on the right side, and click the Edit.

Select the PUF and Licensing tab at the top, and click the checkbox next to the name of the Personal User File you just created.

>> Click the Apply and OK buttons to submit your changes.

You have now successfully added a game together with your own Personal User File!

6. Optional: Adding a Game or Application Using the Application Wizard

Select the menu option called Applications, this will show a tree view menu on the right side, representing the different game categories and the games related to them.

Here you can go two ways; either you choose to search if Smartlaunch already has a finished solution for the game you are adding, using the Application Wizard. Or you can enter the game manually, but then you will have to have information about the game, such as how and where the game stores its cd-key. If you want to add a game manually, continue onto the next section.

The Application Wizard takes advantage of already completed solutions built into Smartlaunch for the most common games and applications. Start the wizard by clicking the Add button and select Use wizard from the menu.

In the Application Wizards window, fill in the name of the game you want to add. In this guide, we are adding the game Battlefield 1942, so we type in Battlefield 1942 in the search box and press the Search button. This will search in Smartlaunch for already completed solution for that game, and generate a list of the applications that it found matching your search.

If the search did not find your application, try to narrow your search text. As an example, instead of searching for Battlefield 1942, try searching for Battlefield. If the wizard still does not find your game, try updating the Smartlaunch server, this will download all the latest solutions. If you still don’t find anything, a solution for the game you searched for, has not yet been completed, or is too old or is not popular enough to be added to the Application List. You will then have to add the game manually (explained below).

But in this case, the search will generate a list of applications with the text Battlefield 1942 in it, select the item reading Battlefield 1942 from the list and click the Next button to continue.

Smartlaunch will try to find out if the game you are adding needs to save any settings or save games, and if so the Application Wizard will prompt you that it has found these files and asks if you would like to activate the Personal User Files feature for this game.

The Personal User Files is a feature that can save files related to a game, the settings file, and the save games for instance. These files can be saved for all users or only those you think should have this feature available to them. It’s not always very easy to find out where the game you are adding stores its files, therefore Smartlaunch will try to help you as much as possible. You can manually add Personal User Files to the game you are adding at a later point.

If no settings file or save games are found for the game you are adding, the Personal User Files step will be skipped and the Edit Application window will come up.

The Edit Application window looks exactly like it would if you would add the game manually, except that now almost all the fields are already filled in. There are still a few things that you will have to fill in though, such as which image file should be mounted before the game starts, or if you have a custom batch file that you want to execute before starting the game.

To start Battlefield 1942, we need to mount the image file before starting, so click the Mount CD image checkbox, and enter the path to where the image file is located according to the client. If you have mounted a drive to a folder on the network, where all the image files are stored, you can use the drive letter in the textbox. It can look like this for example:


The Launch batch file option is not required, but if you want to use it, check it as you did with the image file and enter the path to the batch file you wish to execute before the game starts.

To make sure that the paths to the game are filled in correctly, press the Verify paths button. This will compare the executable and working directory paths with the clients and display them in the list. For this to work, it is required that Smartlaunch is activated on the clients, otherwise, the computers will be displayed as being offline. If the paths do not match, check where you have installed the game on the client and adjust the paths in the text boxes accordingly.

We shall now connect the game with the License Setup we created in Step 2. Do this by clicking the Additional tab, and from the dropdown list select the appropriate License Setup. You will also find the Personal User Files on the right side, if you choose to activate the Personal User Files in the wizard when adding the game; the correct checkboxes should be checked. How to add your own Personal User Files will be more detailed explained in Step 4.

7. Optional: Adding Games from CD-ROM

Setup the CD-Image Mounter

Not all, but most games require that the CD that you installed the game with is inserted into the CD-ROM when starting the game. In this example, we are going to use the CD Image mounter instead to mount a file that is an exact copy of the original CD. This will make it look like we have the original CD in the CD-ROM bay. If you don’t know how to create an image from a CD, follow this guide.

Go to Application Management >> General Settings >>

In the bottom-right side, notice the CD Image mounting command with a default path already input. Change the path to match your image-mounting software’s EXE.

Note: Smartlaunch assumes that you are using the most common CD Image mounter, Daemon Tools Lite, and has therefore already set the path to the default installation point.

> If you are using another program than Daemon Tools to mount your CD Images
> if you have installed Daemon Tools to another drive or directory then specified in the textbox, edit the textbox so that it points to the correct executable. If you have not yet installed a CD Image mounter program and wish to do so now, then we recommend that you use Daemon Tools which you can Download Here

(1/28/2015 Edited by Dylan)