To make a successful migration from Microsoft Access to MySQL v. 5, we recommend that you use “Ms Access to MySQL” ( This tool has proven to be stable and easy to use.
Step 1: Source Database
The first step is to specify the access database you want to migrate to MySQL (figure 1). You do not need to specify a username and password or a system database.

Figure 1: Specify source database
Step 2: Destination Database
After you have specified the source database, you need to specify the destination database.
- Direct transfer mean that this application will automatically create the MySQL database and migrate all of the data. We’ll use this option. And you can enter the database name as you please.
- You can also choose to make a direct transfer or create a SQL dump, which can be used at a later time to make the migration.

Figure 2: Specify destination database
Question: Why does the “Direct Transfer” menu disabled on my PC?
Answer: You have to install MySQL Connector / ODBC. You can download it here:
Step 3: Table Selection
Make sure that you have selected all tables before continuing.

Figure 3: Specify which tables you want to migrate to MySQL
Step 4: Migration Options
Finally, you need to specify which options you wish to use, when migrating your database (figure 4). It is important that the “Default value properties” and “Auto number properties” are checked.
Please note that the “Drop and recreate destination database” option is checked. Means if there’s already a database with the same name with the name you entered on step 2, those database will be deleted and re-created.
Please uncheck “Transfer Index” option to avoid double index.

Figure 4: Specify transfer options
Press “Run Now” button when you’re ready.

Figure 5: After the process completed
Step 5: Final Settings
After the migration from Microsoft Access database to MySQL, you need to specify in the Smartlaunch Server that you wish to use a MySQL database (figure 5). Go to the Smartlaunch Settings -> General Settings -> Database Setup. Begin by choosing MySQL in the database type. Second, you need to specify the host address of the MySQL server along with database name, username and password. You need to restart the server once you have saved these settings.

Figure 6: Specify database information in Smartlaunch server
Now that you are running Smartlaunch on a MySQL database, you need to keep in mind that you cannot alter any data while Smartlaunch is running – the Smartlaunch Server will not detect any changes until it is restarted.