Feature Description
One of important item that your cafe usually provides to users besides time and product is offer. Offer is manageable, there is a setting from Smartlaunch Server to setup offer including to add offer, setup the price for each offer and also setup the availability of each offer.
This feature is created to manage all available offers in Smartlaunch to be used only in specific computer group. You can have more than one computer group in your cafe and that is why we need this feature, it is to manage offers based on specific computer group in case you need to have one or more offers only for certain computer group.
Please follow step by step below to manage offer availability based on computer group:
1. Open SL Server >> Financial Setup >> Products/Offers. Choose your current offer to edit or create a new offer.
2. There are 3 available tabs: General settings and pricing, Offer settings, Availability. Please choose tab “Offer settings” to be able to setup or manage your offer for specific computer group. All available Computer Groups will displayed, please choose for which computer group this offer will be available.
3. Open SL Server >> Client Computers >> Grouping/Consoles to be able to check and see what are available computer groups.
4. Back to SL Server >> Financial Setup >> Products/Offers. Choose computer group and check on Disallowed check box to disallowed offer from being used by spesific computer groups. You can choose more than one computer groups.
5. Click Apply button to apply the changes.
If you have any questions or issues about this case please contact [email protected]