The Account Management window is an essential part of the Smartlaunch Administrator. From this window you can view all information on your user accounts such as the current session and personal information.
You can access the Account Management by double-clicking a user account or a computer from the Graphical Overview. If you double-click a computer from the overview it will open the user account that currently is logged on to the selected computer.
In it’s native form the Account Management window looks like this:
From the toolbar you can add products or end the session – the same options as when you right-click a user account.
Current Session
The window you see above is the Current Session of the user account.
- Money deposited
The money deposited by either the Add Time or Add Money function. - Money deposited for paid items
If you add a product of offer and select a payment such as Cash, Credit Card or Cheque Smartlaunch needs to add the money equal to the price of the product to make the equation correct. - Bill
A list of all the products related to the current session.
Personal Details
The personal details shows all personal information about the customer. You can edit the personal details directly from the Administrator by clicking the Edit button.
Account Options
View different kinds of account related details such as user group and credit limit.
In the user group properties you can change the expiration date by clicking the Extend button or you can change the user group by clicking the Change button. If you have some kind of fee to change to a specific user group the Cashier will popup prompting you for payment.
You can also specify if a user account should overwrite the age rating feature on all games.
If a user account is in play & pay mode you can specify a maximum credit limit. If a user reaches this limit the user will get disconnected and disallowed to log in at all your client computers until he/she has paid the bill.
You can also add notes and other small pieces of information to a user account.
Session History
You can view the time and day when the user was in your store the last time.
Personal Log
This screen displays all transactions related to this user in the selected time frame.