The purpose of Percentage Discounts is to easily discount items in particular product groups. Instead of giving a discount to each product one by one, this feature allows you to setup a percentage discount in that product group and apply it all products in the same product group.
For example, you decide you want to sell chocolate bars at 50% discount during a Tournament. All you have to do is select the Chocolate product group that contains all your chocolate bars (ChaCha, BengBeng & Oh Henry, for example) and apply the discount for all the bars.
When you go to ring up the sale for any bar, the discount will have already been applied and the item will appear on the bill under it’s discounted price.
How to setup a percentage discount
Open Smartlaunch Server >> Financial Setup >> Products/Offers >> Choose a product group and click Edit or create a new product group by clicking the Add button. In the Edit category screen, enter the discount amount in the Default % discount field.
Once set, every product inside this product group will have the same discount percentage.
You can also move other products that you already created into the same category. This is especially useful if you would like to create a Weekend Tournament Promo category and place items into the category during the tournament. That way, all items sold during that weekend will get the discount applied. When the Promo is over, you can simply delete the category or drag the products out of the Promo category.
To make sure the discount has been applied, open the Smartlaunch Administrator application go to Login user the choose Add product for specific user.
Choose the item that you want to sell and add it to the current bill. When added, you’ll see that the set % discount has already been applied and the item is ready to be sold.