Smartlaunch provides 3 basic default employee rights:
- Admin
- Employee
- Technician
The advantage of the custom employee preset is that an Administrator can easily create a new preset with a specific name and use it again to create another employee right for all employees.
For example, as default the “Employee” preset does not have access to financials. With customer presets, an Administrator can create a “Supervisor” preset that allows to access financials and anything else not accessible to a Supervisor and vice versa.
1. Open Smartlaunch Server >> General Settings >> Employees
2. Choose one of the employees in the Customer employees list and choose Edit
3. In the Edit Employee window, on the right, you will see a default list of employee rights for username “Employee”.
4. The Administrator can choose some rights for username Employee and give it a name of the custom preset.
For example you can name a new preset called “New Employee” because you want to have new employees to have less access rights than a typical employee. The Administrator will save a new custom preset that is applicable only for the New Employee.
5. When you have named the Present, click on the Create button and select the rights you want to have for this Employee. When you click Apply, the preset for “New fEmployee” will be assigned to username “Employee”.