
The Benefits of Incorporating Esports in Education

Esports has evolved into a dynamic intersection of entertainment, technology, and education. This transformation is not only reshaping perceptions but also providing significant benefits across

World Esports Summit in Busan, South Korea

The eighth edition of the World Esports Summit has been officially announced by the International Esports Federation (IESF). Taking center stage at the BEXCO Convention Hall, in Busan,

The Esports Awards 2023

The Esports Awards 2023, one of the most important esports award ceremonies, will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada, for the second consecutive year on

IBC2023 – Extensive Gaming And Esports Programme

IBC has cooperated with esports specialists to create an immersive gaming zone at the 2023 show, offering visitors the opportunity to experiment with state-of-the-art production technology and

Genshin Global Concert Tour

The world of Teyvat is set to resonate with melodies as Genshin Impact announces a global concert tour. Spanning from October 2023 to September 2024,

Gamescom 2023

Gamescom 2023 is taking place between the 21st and the 27th of August, at the Koelnmesse Congress Center, in Cologne, Germany. Gamescom serves as a

Dubai Esports Festival Is Back

Dubai Esports & Games Festival (DEF 2023) is making an anticipated return between the 21st and the 25th of June 2023 at the South Halls,

GamerFest, Ireland’s biggest gaming and esports festival, is returning to…

Here are the biggest esports games releasing in 2025: Deadlock…

The Gamescom is back as an in-person event this year,…

The Clash of Clans World Championship Finals 2020 will be played online…

Wildlife conservation organisation World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) will collaborate with Ninjas…

Startup an eSports center
